How to eat for optimal performance and workout
We all need carbohydrates for optimal performance. If you do not have enough carbohydrates when you are working out or competing you are simply going to run out of fuel.
But not only do you need to eat carbohydrates to perform optimally you also need to time when you make them. Your body can only store 500 to 600 carbohydrates in your liver and muscles. So you not only need them to get a maximum workout or complete you also need to eat carbohydrates after your workout to fully recover and for your muscles to grow. If you combine some protein with your carbohydrates, your body will be even able to absorb even more carbohydrates thus giving you even more fuel.
For those are doing endurance sports or doing long time intense workouts carbohydrate loading can be very beneficial. Endurance training stimulates the sent synthesis of muscle glycogen, So by doing carbohydrate loading you can increase the way your body stores carbohydrates.
Since I play and do high intensity sports and workouts I tried to eat A meal of
60% carbohydrate
15% fat
25% protein
I want to make sure I am fueled sufficiently to have as intense workout as I can get. I do not want to push myself and then run out of energy. And as I stated before I make sure I eat again within two hours after my workout.
Remember when you're doing intense muscle building or straining workouts your body continues to burn energy two- three hours after you are done working out,
So make sure you include your diet when you are planning out your workout routine. It is not unlike promising your car you will give a gas tomorrow when it is on empty today. Your car will not move and neither should you. If you do not have enough carbohydrates your body is going to use your muscles for a fuel. Thus you can lose weight and actually look worse than you did before